15 April 2011
All the Presidents' Musings
Bill Boarman, the Public Printer of the United States (what a great title!), recently presented President Obama with a copy of the first volume for 2009 of Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama.
Presidential writings, addresses etc. are compiled into these annual volumes of the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States by the Office of the Federal Register, the National Archives and Records Administration. The series has been published by the U.S. Government Printing Office since 1957, commencing with the presidency of Harry S. Truman and covering 1945 onwards. The BL's print collections of the Public Papers series can be found at shelfmark: AS.288/34.
Both Herbert Hoover, the 31st President, and his successor, Franklin D. Roosevelt, had their papers privately published and these are located separately -Hoover’s papers are at shelfmark: 012295.c.6 and FDR’s are at shelfmark: 012296.e.4.
The GPO’s digital document archive FDSys provides online access to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States from 1991 onwards, starting with the final two years of George Bush’s Presidency. Digital editions of the series from Hoover to Clinton are also available online via the University of Michigan Digital Library.