Americas and Oceania Collections blog

Exploring the Library’s collections from the Americas and Oceania

02 January 2014



As you know, there's not much privacy on the web.  One of the more benign consequences of such transparency is the popularity of end-of-year blog post rankings, which derive from the site stats that lurk behind most web pages (here, we're using Google Analytics).  Team Americas is not afraid to shun such league tables, so here, in ascending order, are our five most popular blog posts.  We note that the most popular posts tend to be guest posts, but we won't take this to heart.  Some posts from 2012 also sneak in as golden oldies. Thanks for reading, and best wishes from the team for 2014.

 5th The Earlist Surviving Printed Book from the Americas (October)

Our Head of Hispanic Studies, Geoff West, reminds bidders on the Bay Psalm Book that there are other American codices out there.

Mexico title page

Public Domain Mark  Title page, Fray Juan de Zumárraga, Dotrina breue… de las cosas que pertenecen a la fe catholica British Library shelfmark C.37.e.8

- See more at:

4th Three Weeks, Fuelled by Coffee: Jack Kerouac's On the Road Scroll (October 2012)

Carole wonders if On the Road really was written in three weeks.  A post from our Kerouc Scroll exhibition in 2012.

3rd The Cats of Canada (August)

Phil provides us with some feline lolz.

2nd Mrs Hemingway, Mr Hemingway and Miss Pfieffer (August 2012)

Our Eccles Writer-in-Residence for 2012, Naomi Wood, asks whether Pauline Pfieffer was something more than a 'snake in Dior'.

And, taking the top spot as well:

1st Only Connect: the secret lives of Hemingway's wives (July 2012)

Naomi starts to unpick the tangled web of Hemingway's lovers and wives.

When I first began my research I envisioned Mrs Hemingway to be a series of interlocking triangles, representing Ernest, wife and mistress, in any given decade. Now, in the midst of these letters and telegrams, it seems much more of a tangled web indeed. - See more at:
Pauline’s reputation as something more than a snake in Dior. - See more at:

There are other ways of measuring popularity, as Heathers or Glee teaches us. We have other metrics to use to distribute our end-of-year prizes:

Top search terms: "what you won't be reading on your kindle"

Average visitor duration: A Philadelphia Tempest: Hurricane Sandy (17 minutes) (followed by Mulberry Row).

Slowest Page to Load: Looking Forward to Congress to Campus.

And finally and inexplicably our least popular post for 2013: Picturing Canada (going live gradually).  Go give it some love.

Happy 2014 to y'all

[Team Americas]

Looking Forward: Congress to Campus, Party politics, and election prospects - See more at:
Looking Forward: Congress to Campus, Party politics, and election prospects - See more at:




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