20 June 2014
Book review - Start Your Own Business: You can do it!
Start Your Own Business: You can do it! By Sue Hunter is a practical handbook offering advice to aspiring entrepreneurs in the kind of no-nonsense, easily understood language rarely found in the business world.
This book is easy to read and gives you encouragement. It has six clear chapters and is full of really helpful advice. It aims to help you work through the initial stages of starting you own business as a sole trader.
In Sole Trader you will discover why it is important to develop yourself, along with your business; you will learn why market research and your customers are all-important, and how to market your product or service.Business finance, such as keeping records, working out a cash flow and calculating your break-even point are covered using worked examples to clarify explanations.
The final chapter offers an annotated template to get you started with your own Business Plan.
Julie Boadilla on behalf of Business & IP Centre team.