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28 September 2018

Top tips from Start-up Day 2018

Activities in 17 libraries around the UK. 101 business events delivered. More than 1,000 attendees across all locations. Webcast around the world. Start-up Day, in collaboration with Santander, once again proved to be a huge success. 

With a full day’s worth of events, there’s a lot of information and words of wisdom to take in from each speaker. Need a recap of what was said? Missed a crucial top tip? Want to relive it again? Or if you missed it, we’ve compiled all the videos of the speakers in this post, along with a key take away tip from each...

Top tip from Mintel senior consumer lifestyles analyst, Jack Duckett:

Consumer confidence is on a growth trajectory, meaning there are opportunities for brands to grow.

Top tip from Google Digital Garage's Chami Coomasaru:

Set yourself goals, think how you want your brand to be perceived and choose the platforms which are appropriate for your business.

Top tip from author and motivational speaker, Anis Qizilbash:

Steep in your purpose... your success does not mean another person's loss. The more you make, the bigger impact you create.

Top tip from public speaking coach, Elaine Powell:

[Your pitch] is never going to be perfect. Always ask for feedback and take your performance to the next level, and the next level, and the next level. Never give up, it's a journey, not an end destination.

Top tip from author, motivational speaker and business coach, Rasheed Ogunlaru:

[Networking] online is the window to your world, meeting people in person is the door.

Top tip from former CEO of Tangle Teezer, Matt Lumb:

Don’t try and do the 80 hours a week thing. You will burn out. Try and get that balance as you scale.

Top tips from:

Precious Jason, founder of Etieno Skincare: Being in business you have superhero days and you have days which are not so great… Be kind to yourself. 

Rebecca Slater, founder of Shine Creative Solutions: Believe in the idea you’ve got and to try and plan out the three most important things you need to get right.

Amy Fleuriot co-founder of Hiro + Wolf and Artisans and Adventurers: Don’t expect it to happen overnight. If you’re having to work alongside it, that’s ok… Just keep at it.


Start-up Day 2018 was in collaboration with Santander. To see our events throughout the year, click here.

