23 October 2019
Start-up Day 2019 wrap up - How to build your business without burning yourself out
Julie Deane OBE and Dane Krambergar from Mind, a mental health charity, discussed the all-too-unspoken problem of mental health, and the particular strain when starting up a business from scratch.
It is astonishing but true that depression is the leading cause of health problems in the world: with half of all employees have experienced a mental health problem in their role, yet only half have sought help. In their chat, Julie and Dane discussed prioritising, self-worth and to-do lists, and how building an effective structure, even when you are working for yourself (and often by yourself), can help you keep your mental health in check.
The number one thing to remember from this talk is that you need to look after yourself before it gets to breaking point. Dane and Julie shared their top tips for this, which included:
- Add structure, i.e. take a lunch break even if you are by yourself at home
- Leave home at home and work at work, which is admittedly tricky when working at home, but try setting boundaries
- Eat, sleep and exercise, it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality
- Celebrate little wins
- Rethink rejection
- Add YOU to the to-do list
- Try to open up
- Have a Wellbeing Action Plan - if you are your own boss, you have to have one for yourself as your 'employee'.
For the full discussion on looking after yourself when starting up, look below or check out Mind's Mental Health at Work toolkit: