14 February 2019
Brexit resources available
Now that Brexit has taken place, we've updated the list of resources currently available to help you find the information you are looking for.
Actions you can take now that do not depend on negotiations
Use the information from the Government to understand how leaving the EU may affect your business and what you can do to get ready, including guides on employing EU citizens, importing and exporting, intellectual property and funding, amongst others.
Brexit Business Resource Hub
The London Growth Hub and the Mayor of London have launched this new Brexit Business Resource Hub, bringing together key resources from a range of partners to help with business planning, support for mapping business areas with potential exposure to Brexit.
Using personal data after Brexit
This page tells you what you'll need to do from 1 January 2021. It'll be updated if anything changes.
The Institute of Export and International Trade Customs Procedures and Documentation
A comprehensive look at the information that is required to be submitted to customs to enable goods to be imported and exported. It also looks at the differences between EU and non-EU trade.
IP and Brexit: the facts
Information on trade marks, designs, patents, copyright, and exhaustion of IP rights during the transition period.
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