Collection Care blog

Behind the scenes with our conservators and scientists

12 April 2017

Conservation demonstration at London Craft Week

The logo for London Craft Week, which is those characters in Black bold capitalised text on a white background.

Conservation at the British Library
As part of London Craft Week members of the British Library Conservation team will demonstrate conservation techniques used to protect one of the most significant library collections in the world. The Library houses treasures including The Magna Carta, Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebook and the Beatle’s manuscripts.

Thursday 4 May Demonstrations 11am - 5pm, talks 2pm - 3pm and 6pm - 7pm
Saturday 6 May Demonstrations 12pm - 4pm, talk 2pm - 3pm

Demonstrations free / Entrance Hall
Talk £5 / Foyle Room / booking necessary

A photograph of a western manuscript, with small neat gothic script, with the original pencil guide lines visible. In the centre of the image is a silk curtain in yellow,folded and creased with age, covering an illuminated image; a circular shape in blue with wgite dots, on a brownish background can be seen peeking out from the side of the curtain.
Illuminated manuscript with silk ‘curtain’. Image © British Library Board

