19 March 2013
THATcamp and GLAM-Wiki at the British Library
On Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April, the British Library will be hosting the GLAM-Wiki conference, with two days of talks and workshops on collaboration between cultural institutions and Wikimedia, drawing on a range of worldwide perspectives. This builds on the Wikipedian in Residence program here at the Library, which we've written about here before.
On Sunday 14th, following the conference, we'll also be hosting THATcamp London, an unconference and hackathon exploring the humanities and technology.
What's a THATcamp? Here's an outline of the last event held in London, THATcamp 2010:
THATCamp London was a user-generated “unconference” that was held on *6-7 July, 2010*, just before Digital Humanities 2010. At DH2010, the world’s premiere academic conference on the Digital Humanities, one heard papers and saw presentations and perhaps gave a single talk yourself. At THATCamp, by contrast, we discussed, built, argued, shared, compared, created and hacked: every session you attended was a session in which attendees participated fully. Attending DH2010 might be compared to attending a series of fascinating formal lectures, whereas attending THATCamp London might be compared to attending a series of engaging relaxed seminars.

A session at THATCamp Prime 2011, George Mason University
Some of the Library's digital curator team will be attending, along with some of the material we're pulling together for the upcoming British Library Labs project. The London area has a thriving digital-humanities community, and we'd love to see a good range of attendees there - please do think about coming along! There are still plenty of spaces, and tickets to THATcamp are free of charge.
Registration for GLAM-Wiki is open here, and the seperate registration for THATcamp is here.