28 July 2014
Conference alert: Succeed in Digitisation, spreading excellence.
On Friday, 28 November 2014 the Bibliothèque nationale de France will be hosting the final conference of the SUCCEED project and IMPACT centre of competence: 'Succeed in Digitisation, spreading excellence'.
SUCCEED is an EU funded project that promotes the take-up and validation of tools and resources for mass digitisation, with a focus on textual content. The conference will mark the end of this project and the schedule will focus on the main outcomes:
- Libraries' experiences in the take-up of tools
- Results on competitions
- Roadmap for the future of digitisation in Europe
- Interoperability of tools for text digitisation
- Recommendations on formats, standards and licensing schemes related to digitisation
- Panel discussions on digital humanities / digital conservation.
The 'Succeed in Digitisation, spreading excellence' conference will provide a great opportunity to network and learn more about the latest developments in digitisation. If you wish to participate, please register here.
For further information, please visit http://succeed-project.eu/succeed-digitisation