Digital scholarship blog

Enabling innovative research with British Library digital collections

12 April 2018

British Library Labs application for Digital Research support

BL Labs supports researchers, artists, entrepreneurs and educators who want to use the British Library's digital collections and data

We are proud to announce the launch of a new service where we will able to provide up to 5 days support to help you develop a project idea that uses our digital collections and data. In that time, we will help you understand the collection(s) you want to work with and will provide technical, curatorial and legal advice about your project. We can also help you with scope, costs, time-frames, risks and any other relevant issues.

Get support to develop an idea using the British Library's Digital Collections & Data

We will review and select applications at the beginning of each month. If your application is selected, we will work with you to provide targeted support and help you develop your project further.

We strongly recommend that before you submit your idea you explore the digital collections and data you are interested in and contact us at [email protected] for some initial guidance.

For inspiration, you can use this guide to find your way around our online archive of collaborative projects, competition and award entries. 

Once you're ready to go, send in your application using this form.
