Medieval manuscripts blog

Bringing our medieval manuscripts to life

26 July 2014

Guess the Manuscript XIV

As always, thanks are due to those of you who play along with every installment of our game Guess the Manuscript.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to find things that will stump you brilliant people, but we have a few lined up over the coming weeks that we hope will be a sufficient challenge for you.  One such is below, and we'd like to therefore issue an additional challenge.  Please let us know not only what manuscript this comes from, but what these scribbles mean. 

The rules are simple: this image comes from a manuscript that is located somewhere on our Digitised Manuscripts site, and is part of our medieval collections.  You can leave your guesses in the comments below, or via Twitter @BLMedieval.  Happy hunting!


- Sarah J Biggs

Update: And the answer was: Add MS 28816, f. 150r: they are calculations concerning the age of the world.  The Greek writing reads: 'Surely seven hundred and thirty-eight'. The prize was eternal glory and respect from the Medieval Manuscripts Blog – but since no-one guessed correctly, you’ll have to wait until next time for a shot at immortality in these hallowed pages.



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