14 October 2011
September Accessions
During September the EAP received material from the following projects:
EAP368 contributed to the identification and preservation of late 19th and early 20thcentury photographic collections depicting indigenous peoples in Western Siberia. The project conducted a survey of archives, museums, and private collections, catalogued materials and deposited them with the Tobol’skii istoriko-arkhitekturnyi muzei-zapovednik [Tobol'sk Historic-Architectural Museum-Resort's] (TIAMZ).
An additional outcome was the digitisation of 786 glass plates and accompanying metadata held at the TIAMZ, copies of which were deposited with the EAP.
EAP326 Buddhist archive of photography, Luang Prabang, Laos - major project phase II
This project builds on the work of the EAP086 and EAP177 projects, which discovered a large and varied body of Theravada Buddhist photographs taken and collected by the monks of Luang Prabang, Laos, from c1880 up to the present day.
Altogether a total of 33,933 photographs stored across 21 monasteries have been digitised and identified. The project team provided training in identification, preservation and digitisation of photographic materials to a select group of monks and novices in Luang Prabang. The team also prepared a short video about their work for the EAP177 project, which is available to view here (follow link and scroll down).
Crossing the Mekong on the way to Vat Long Khun, 1952
We also received further accessions from EAP274 Digital archive of North Indian classical music: phase II (special collections) and digital archive of recorded Bengali songs.
Building on the work of project EAP132, EAP274 consists of two strands: digitising the work of under-represented artists from the Digital Archive of North Indian Classical Music at Jadavpur University, Kolkata; and digitising Bengali songs from 78 rpm shellac discs.