Endangered archives blog

News about the projects saving vulnerable material from around the world

2 posts from March 2012

15 March 2012

More content available online

We are pleased to announce that materials from two more projects - EAP057 Digitising the photo documents of Georgia's central state audio-visual archive, and EAP071 Archiving texts in the Sylhet Nagri script- are now available to view online via their respective project pages (Just follow the link 'View Files From This Project').

EAP057/1/6/3  Mills on the bank of the river Kura (Mtkvari). Alexander Engel, undated.

The EAP057 pilot project surveyed collections held by the Central State Audio-Visual Archive of Georgia, focusing on the work of nine photographers. The small sample of photographs selected for digitisation document a range of subjects, including architecture and historical monuments, artworks, agricultural and industrial techniques, and ethnographic expeditions.

EAP071/20/2  Page from a copy of Talib Huchan, by Golam Huchan.

Project EAP071 digitised 103 texts written in the Sylhet Nagri script, including several copies of the Halatunnabi.

Links to all online materials are featured at the bottom of the EAP homepage, and as more material becomes available we hope to draw attention to themed collection groupings here. Watch this space!


05 March 2012

February Accessions

Last month the EAP received material from four projects:

EAP180 Preservation through digitisation of endangered Armenian rare books and making them accessible on the Web (phase 1) continues to submit material. We have written about this project in recent blog posts.

We also received further material from project EAP250 Preserving East Timor's endangered archives (stage two), which built on the work of the EAP032 project and digitised the remaining records of the Timor-Leste (East Timor) Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This follow-up project focused on the records of Witness Statement Teams and related research interviews.

The project EAP334 Digital preservation of Wolof Ajami Manuscripts of Senegal is in the process of digitising Ajami manuscripts written by members of the Muridiyya Sufi order founded in Senegal in 1883 by Ahmadu Bamba (c 1853-1927). The collection is extremely varied, consisting of satirical, polemical and protest poetry, as well as biographies, eulogies, genealogies, talismanic resources, therapeutic medical manuals, speeches and instructional codes of conduct.


Project EAP340 Photographic preservation of the manuscript collection in the monastic church of Ewostatewos at Dabra Sarabi (Tigray, Ethiopia) digitised a small selection of manuscripts at Dabra Sarabi (Tigray), the maternal monastery of the 14th-15th century dissident Ethiopian monastic group, the Ewostateans. The collection features texts relating to the history of the Ewostatean monastic community and its founder; the history of Ethiopia; Eastern Orthodox and Ethiopian Christian literary texts, liturgical texts and illustrated manuscripts.
