Endangered archives blog

News about the projects saving vulnerable material from around the world

11 February 2013

Mongolian New Year

Today is the start of Mongolian New Year, known as Tsagaan Sar – it is celebrated on the first day of the lunar year according to the Mongolian calendar.

So, it seems appropriate to do a quick EAP Blog on a Mongolian project. One of my first tasks when I became EAP Curator was to check the sample images sent in from EAP529 which is currently digitising 19th and early 20th century Buddhist manuscripts from Dambadarjaa Monastery. The history of this monastery is a fascinating one, and I recommend you have a read of the project page. This photograph is of the library which was turned into a pharmacy when the monastery was converted into a hospital and then an old people’s care home during the political repression of the 20th century.

Monastery library

This is an image from a page of one of the manuscripts being digitised.

page from a manuscript showing a seated deity



We have four EAP projects from Mongolia and I would like to wish everyone who has worked on them a very Happy New Year.


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