Endangered archives blog

News about the projects saving vulnerable material from around the world

04 September 2024

Round 20: call for applications, important deadlines & more webinars

It is that time of the year again! 

EAP Round 20 will officially start on Friday 13 September, when we begin accepting applications for projects commencing next year from July 2025.

Applications must be submitted via the EAP portal. The deadline for preliminary applications, the first stage of the cycle, is Friday 8 November. Applicants should consult the newly-updated Guide for Applicants on the EAP website for information on how to make a successful application.

We will be hosting two identical webinars (in English) on Tuesday 17 September in the morning and afternoon to accommodate different time zones. We will give an overview of the application process, followed by a Q&A session. 

Please register in advance using the following links:

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

11.00 to 12.00 (London time) - Morning:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v3ndFdz_TQu378YaBhTeyw

15.00 to 16.00 (London time) - Afternoon: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BhW7ZoMbS5WHAuWVpUGSIA

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions. 

This year also coincides with the 20th anniversary of EAP! We are celebrating the occasion with a hybrid conference, highlighting the programme's achievements and exploring topics central to the protection of documentary heritage. Bringing together many institutions and individuals working in the field, this event will accommodate both in-person and online attendees. Find out more and book your place here.


R20EAP264 digitised rare photographic negatives from Mongolia (1920s-1950s)


