European studies blog

Exploring Europe at the British Library

05 June 2024

Seminar on Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages 2024

The annual Seminar on Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages will take place on Friday 28 June 2024 in the Foyle Room, Conservation Centre at The British Library. The programme is as follows:
11.00 Registration and coffee 
11.30 Juan Gomis (Valencia). Visual recognition tools for the study of Spanish chapbooks, 18th and 19th centuries 
12.25 Lunch (own arrangements) 
13.30 Karima Gaci (Leeds). French grammar textbooks published in England, 18th and 19th centuries 
14.15 Yuri Cerqueira dos Anjos (Wellington). French writing manuals in the 19th century 
15.00 Tea 
15.30 Alexandra Wingate (Indiana). Reviewing the systems approach: a general model for book and information circulation 
16.15 Sarah Pipkin (London). Two works by Kepler in University College London, De stella nova (1606) and De cometis libri tres (1619), and their provenance 
Attendance is free, but please register by emailing Barry Taylor ([email protected]) or Susan Reed ([email protected])
Black and white illustration of a printing shop with two presses and four printers at work
An eighteenth century French printing shop from A. Picaud, La Veille de la Révolution (Paris, 1886) 9225.l.12.