Maps and views blog

Cartographic perspectives from our Map Librarians

17 March 2023

In Memoriam: Maurice Nicholson

In early 2023 we received the sad news that Maurice Nicholson had passed away. Maurice was a retired pharmacist who had been instrumental to the success of the Georeferencer project since its inception in 2012. He contributed points to every collection, from the Ordnance Survey Drawings to King’s Topographical collection. For many consecutive years he was one of the georeferencers who contributed the most points, he attended the BL Labs symposium regularly and was a stalwart of Georeferencer events organised by Phil Hatfield and Kimberly Kowal. In short, his contribution to the project has been immense and we are very grateful to him. You can read more about Maurice and his contribution to the Georeferencer in this blog post .

As well as his georeferencing, Maurice was a keen local historian with an expert knowledge of the Queen’s Park area in Bedford. He organised and participated in several events on this subject and a recording of a talk he gave can be found here .

He also published a chapter in ‘Queen’s Park Lives’ on this subject which is available on his page .

Maurice will be missed by all who knew him at the British Library and we would like to extend our condolences to his family.

An image of the georeferencer Maurice Nicholson
Maurice Nicholson


by Dr Gethin Rees
