02 February 2021
Update on Music E-resources
We are pleased to announce a number of new subscriptions to our Music e-resources offer this year, as well as changes to remote access for some of our existing subscriptions:
Remote access to RILM and RIPM (full text)
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text contains more than 200 full-text journals, many of which are not available anywhere else online, with content spanning 50 countries and 40 languages. The full-text content encompasses all disciplines related to music including: Ethnomusicology; Jazz studies; Musicology; Pedagogy; Performance; Popular music and Theory. It also covers interdisciplinary subjects, such as: Archaeology; Dance studies; Dramatic arts; Literature; Philosophy; Psychology; Therapy.
Thanks to a kind offer by RILM we are pleased to offer this resource to our users until 30 September 2021.
The resource is available in all reading rooms (please note our reading rooms are currently closed) as well as via remote access to registered readers, and can be accessed via Explore.
RIPM Preservation Series: European & North American Music Periodicals (Full Text)
This new RIPM series is a collection of unique and rare full-text music titles, which complements RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals, which the Library also subscribes to. The resource includes over 100 titles of music periodicals published in Europe and North America ranging from the early 19th century to the middle of the 20th century.
This is a new subscription which is available in all reading rooms. The resource is also available via remote access to registered readers until 30 September 2021, and can be accessed via Explore.
This is a new subscription which offers access to an online Library of contemporary music. The BabelScores catalogue contains music in full score by composers of the last 40 years and includes audio and video content for some of the music scores, and also short composer biographies and work descriptions.
This resource is currently only available in our readings rooms but we are working towards making it available remotely in the future.
Our existing subscriptions to the Index of Printed Music and Music Index are now also available remotely to registered readers.
For any enquiries on how to search and use these e-resources please contact our Music Reference Team.