11 August 2014
Beautiful Science & FOSN: Warning, Contains Scenes of a Graphical Nature
In March 2014, Festival of the Spoken Nerd: stand-up mathematician Matt Parker, geek songstress Helen Arney, and experiments maestro Steve Mould hosted an evening at the BL exploring the laughs, graphs and gaffs of science. This highlights video gets to the chart of the matter, as the Nerds plot a course through the highs and lows of visualising data.
The Nerds were joined by an outstanding set of guest geeks including citizen science gurus Erinma Ochu, Jonathan Swinton, and the BL’s own data visualisation experts Richard Ranft, Christina Duffy, Nora McGregor and Johanna Kieniewicz who gave the audience an opportunity to get down and dirty with data in live experiments, and hear the back story to the Beautiful Science exhibition.
From human Venn diagrams and chicken-based infographics, through vocal visualisations and sunflower maths, to a mathematically-accurate love song (with greater than 95% confidence) - prepare to eat humble pi!
Check out the event programme to find out more about those involved.
And watch out for our next Beautiful Science event video, coming soon...