This blog is written by the science, technology and medicine group of the Research Services team at the British Library. We hope to inform, inspire and surprise you. Read our blog to learn more about the range of resources we make available, the services we provide and events and exhibitions that may be of interest.
You will also find relevant updates about the latest scientific developments in areas such as environmental and biomedical science, as well as the impact of policy on these areas. And of course as providers of scientific information, we keep up-to-date with developments in publishing, the use of research data, how researchers use information and the role of libraries. You can expect to find posts describing both the events we attend and those that we host.
Please feel free to comment on the posts and join the debate. You can also follow us on Twitter @ScienceBL or direct specific enquiries to the [email protected] mailbox. We also have a Facebook page!
Introducing the team
Paul Allchin, Content Specialist STM, with interests in digital scholarship, psychology resources, and academic research integrity and practices.
Ewelina Bergonzi, Service and Content Lead STM, interested in all aspects of STM information, Open Access, libraries and their changing roles and researchers’ needs.
Jacquie Carter, Service and Content Lead STM, interested in optimizing access to our print and electronic collection and making the collection relevant to today’s researchers, particularly in relation to the historic collection of the Patent Office Library.
Philip Eagle, Content Specialist STM, interested in chemistry, open-source publications, changes in scholarly communication practices, open data, and improving our readers’ awareness of the resources and services available to them.
Matt Hunt, Head of Service & Collection Development STM, interests include biomedicine especially data related to health and epidemiology aspects.
Rachael Kotarski, Data Services and Content Lead, very occasionally blogging on aspects of research data use, discovery, citation and management.
All text is © British Library Board and is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence, except where otherwise stated.