Sound and vision blog

Sound and moving images from the British Library

18 March 2014

Europeana Creative: First Open Innovation Challenges Launched!

Europeana Creative is looking for creative developers, designers, start-ups and other entrepreneurs to RE-use the Europeana collections! The challenge is to create applications for a range of themes – natural history education, history education, tourism, social networks and design. We are pleased to announce the launch of the first two: our Natural History and History Education Challenges are open NOW!



The prize for the best creative idea? A hands-on incubation support package provided by the project consortium to bring the product successfully to the market! The package comprises consultation with experts offering business support, technical support, facilitation of access to investments and business partnerships, access to specialised testing environments and marketing & promotion support.

Europeana is a database of some 30 million cultural and historical documents, images, sound and video files from Europe's museums, libraries, galleries and archives. The Europeana API allows you to access most of the collections and incorporate them into things like apps, games, websites,even creating mash-ups using other sources or APIs. The possibilities are endless!

If you want to apply or simply team up with other creative thinkers, visit for more details

Deadline for entries is March 31, 2014. The first challenge event will take place on April 29 at The Egg, Brussels.


Really interesting, thanks​!​

I think that you would be really interested in some of the most cutting-edge research that I have come across explaining crowds, open innovation, and citizen science.​

And you may also enjoy this blog about the same too:

Powerful stuff, no?

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