UKWA: What's available when the reading rooms are closed?
By Jason Webber, Web Archiving Engagement Manager, The British Library
Like many public places at the moment, the reading rooms of the UK Legal Deposit Libraries are going to be shut for some time. What does this mean for the UK Web Archive? Well as some of you might know we try to collect every UK website at least once a year and this is done under the provision of the Non-Print Legal Deposit Regulations 2013. A condition of these regulations are that content collected can only be viewed on library premises. Never fear though, we still have lots for you to do!
Discover millions of websites
At the end of 2018, we launched our new service for searching the whole UK Web Archive catalogue from anywhere. Go to our website: and search for a web address (URL) or word/phrase. You will get results showing all of our resources that you can access from anywhere. Tick the box 'At Libraries' to see everything that we have collected. Access thousands of websites
Over the 15 years that we have been archiving websites we have frequently sought permission from owners to make their sites publicly viewable outside of library premises. In that time we have received permissions from over 15,000 website owners These websites have been selected because they relate to a specific topics or event, for their importance, or because they were about to go offline. Lots to see!
Browse 'Topics and Themes'
You can browse over 100 different topics and themes. From the extensive 'Brexit' collection to 'Web Comics' there is something for everyone. As a starter, check out 'Online Enthusiasts' and discover many of the hobbies and societies in the UK.
SHINE service
UK Web Archive holds a collection of all the .uk websites that were archived by the Internet Archive between 1996-2013. The service includes a 'trends' feature that we highly recommend that you try.
You can enter a word or phrase (in speech marks) to see the relative popularity in a given year. Enter different terms separated by a comma and you can compare popularity e.g. tom,jane. See who is 'best', cat or dog or the emergence of words such as 'iphone', 'emoji' or phrases such as 'credit crunch'.
Do tell us what you find!
Nominate websites
We are still able to add websites to the archive and welcome nominations! We want to archive every single UK website and your help is invaluable. Make your suggestions here:
Stay safe everyone!